The Globe -- Bethlehem
Monday, April 29, 1918
Soccer Notes

Of the six games played between Bethlehem and Disston this season, Bethlehem won four, one was a tie, and the Saw Makers won the other, a National League game at Philadelphia.

Ferguson, the Bethlehem left fullback has completely recovered from the indisposition that affected his game last Saturday and gave a great display of sure tackling and accurate placing.

The Disston players took their defeat like good sports and wished the Steel Workers luck for the final. Manager Bedford expressed the opinion that nothing can stop the Steel Workers in the remaining games of the season.

No player on the Bethlehem team can be singled out for exception al merit, every player doing his part with the one object in view and they can be depend upon to show the same unselfish spirit in next Saturday's National final.

Steel Workers will continue hard training for the National Cup final game at Pawtucket next Saturday, with Fall River Rovers and a tremendous effort will be made to bring the cup back to Bethlehem.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club