"Bobby" Morrison staged a comeback on Sunday against Robins Dry Dock and proved to his many admirers that he is far from being a permanent spectator. The way he placed the ball to the forwards was an object lesson to some of the younger players.
Four members of the Bethlehem team will play for the Scottish team against Ireland in the International game at Lenox Oval, New York, next Sunday. The players selected are McKelvey, Campbell, Miller and Fleming.
But one more game remains on the Bethlehem soccer schedule with Paterson in the National League on Sunday, May 25, and as the champions have already clinched the league pennant a defeat would not make a great deal of difference to the season's standing, but it would spoil the otherwise good record that of never having been defeated by an individual club this season, the only game in which the Steel workers came out on the losing end being the game against the all-star team picked from the St. Louis league.