The Globe South Bethlehem
Friday, April 30, 1915 page 10
Game for National Championship to be Played in Taylor Field Tomorrow The Line-ups.
For the first time in the history of the United States Football association, South Bethlehem will have the honor of staging the final game for the United States soccer championship. All eyes of the soccer sporting world will be turned to Taylor field, Lehigh University, tomorrow, and the result of the game will be anxiously awaited in Pittsburgh, Chicago, St. Louis, Cleveland, Niagra Falls, Philadelphia, Newark, New York, New Bedford, Fall River, Boston and other large cities throughout the United States. All arrangements are completed and with fair weather promised, tomorrow should be soccer day for the Bethlehems and vicinity. With special trains coming in from New York, Newark and Philadelphia and with soccer fans even traveling so far as from the New England states and Pittsburgh, it is estimated tat at least 9000 or 10,000 persons will witness this final game tomorrow. Both teams are reported to be in splendid condition and trained to the minute. Brooklyn Celtic will be at full strength and will play its same line-up that defeated Bethlehems in Brooklyn, six weeks ago. Bethlehems is expected to make one or two changes. Local and New York photographers will take pictures of the game for Spaulding sporting guides. The Hearst-Selig and Pathe moving picture companies will have operators here to take moving pictures of the events of the afternoon. Thomas W. Cahill, Secretary of the U. S. F. A. arrived in town early this morning and other officials of the National Commission will arrive from New York and Philadelphia tonight and tomorrow morning. It is expected that at least 500 rooters will accompany the Brooklyn tam to this place. Three of the best referees in the country will handle the game. G. C. Lambie, Boston, will officiate as referee, Charles Creichton, New York, and James Walders, Philadelphia, will act as linemen and assist the referee. The teams will appear on the field, promptly at 8 p.m. and after a short practice the game will be started promptly at 8:15 p.m. by Referee Lambie. The Bethlehem Steel Company band will be in attendance. Murray, Bethlehems inside right, still suffers from an injury, received at Fall River, Mass., and in the event of his inability to play, his place will be filled by Lance, Lawson or Graham.
The line-up of both teams, follows:
Brooklyn Bethlehems
Mather G -- Duncan
Robertson R. F. B. Fletcher (Toole)
McWilliams L. F. B. Ferguson (Toole)
Flanigan R. H. B. -- Campbell
McElroy C. H. B. -- Clarke
Broadbent L. H. B. -- Morrison
McQueen O. R. -- Ford
Lome I. R. -- Murray
OHalloran C. F. -- Millar
King I. L. -- Pepper
McGreevey O. L. -- Fleming
Brooklyn Celtic team in charge of Manager McCamphill will leave New York at 9:30 a.m. arriving in South Bethlehem about 11:30 a.m. It will at once proceed to the New Merchants hotel, which will be its headquarters.
Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club