Bethlehem Steel will present the same line-up on Saturday that defeated Joliet in the semi-final on March 30, and Fall River will rely on the team that defeated West Hudson in the Eastern semi-final on April 28th.
Charles Creighton of New York has been selected to referee next Saturday's final. Mr. Creighton is regarded as one of the greatest referees in the country today.
The Steel Workers will find the majority of the spectators rooting for Fall River, but as none of the players are making their initial appearance this ought to have little effect on their playing.
The Blue and White will leave here on Friday evening and are sure to carry with them the best wishes of the sport-loving people of this vicinity, and if they do not win it will not be because they did not give their best.
Soccer fans who have been in close touch with the players on the Bethlehem team are greatly impressed with the quiet determination that is so evident all around and they contend this attitude is a good omen for Saturday.