The Globe -- Bethlehem
Tuesday, May 2, 1922
A Swing Along Athletic Row

By Fred Nonnemacher
All-Eastern Soccer Team
We have our mythical All-American and All-Sectional football teams together with mythical aggregations in other branches of sport and for the enlightenment of the many local soccer enthusiasts is printed a selection of an All-Eastern soccer team, selected by Levi Wilcox, soccer expert of the Philadelphia Inquirer. It is noted with special interest that in addition to the raft of former players of the crack Bethlehem F. C., James Campbell, more familiarly known as "Jimmy" who was honored with the leadership of the old Bethlehem F. C., is placed in the same position in the selection of the All-Eastern clan. "Jimmy" after the local team disbanded quit the Bethlehem crowd when it transferred to Philadelphia and signed up with the Todd Shipyard team, which club incidentally was Eastern finalist in the National Cup competition. Apparently by this selection Campbell has lost little of his old time effectiveness which, when a member of the Bethlehem F. C. rated him as the peer of center halfbacks. Campbell is a veteran of the sport but despite his advanced years apparently has several more years of good soccer in him. Of the 11 players, it is noted that four former members of the Bethlehem F. C. are honored with positions, three of whom in all likelihood will again sport the colors for the Bethlehem club should the tam be transferred back to this city for next season's campaigning. Such intention it is believed, is under consideration and definite announcement is expected shortly after the next meeting of the American Soccer League. Whether Bethlehem will again have a soccer team of national repute, however, is depending on the assurances of support and cooperation of those interested in fostering "big-league" athletics. The other three former Bethlehemites are Harold Brittan, center forward and one of the later arrivals with the local clan; "Jock" Ferguson, left fullback, and "Whitey" Fleming, outside left. The later two are old members of the Bethlehem team. The Todds really share the bulk of the honors, including, however, in their selection Captain Campbell. With the latter, four additional shipbuilders in Renzulli, guard; Smith, right fullback; Fryer, left halfback, and McGuire, inside right, are included on the team. The team is composed of players connected with the American League clubs. The All-Eastern team, as Wilcox sees it, is as follows:

Goal -- Renzulli, Todds (Brooklyn)
Right fullback -- Smith, Todds (Brooklyn)
Left fullback -- Ferguson, Phillies (Philadelphia)
Right halfback -- T. Stark, New York F. C. (New York)
Center halfback -- Captain Campbell, Todds (Brooklyn)
Left halfback -- Fryer, Todds (Brooklyn)
Outside right -- Duggan, New York F. C. (New York)
Inside right -- McGuire, Todds (Brooklyn)
Center forward -- Brittan, Phillies (Philadelphia)
Inside left -- Miller, Coates (Pawtucket)
Outside left -- Fleming, Phillies (Philadelphia)

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club