The Globe-Times -- Bethlehem
May 2, 1930
A Swing Along Athletic Row

Other Locations
It won't be long before players of the new defunct Bethlehem soccer team begin shuffling off to other locations and from what little gossip is heard the majority of these new locations will not be with other major clubs in the East. Some of them will, of course, no doubt toss their lot with clubs in this sector but this number will be decidedly in the minority. The majority of players it is believed will shuffle across the pond and re-establish a permanent residence in their native heath. Then there are others who might think they have had enough of the booting sport and who when Bethlehem quit, hung away their togas for good and all.

Skeptical as to Future
With Bethlehem out of the picture the outlook in the eastern major circles does not present a very rosy aspect. The homesters were always conceded one of the best clubs in the country and unanimously voted the best box office attraction. Up New England way and especially in the metropolitan sector will the loss of this team be severely felt. Soccer developed into big business and then slumped and being now a strictly commercial proposition the backers are not going to be as liberal if the financial returns are not worth the investment. The old sport was riding along lovely until the breach in the ranks two seasons ago threatened to "bust up" the organization. That little warfare running for a period of close to a year certainly did soccer no good. Differences have been amicably adjusted, so it is said, but nevertheless soccer has not yet been re-established on the basis on which it had been prior to the uprising. But why worry hereabouts? Bethlehem is out of the running and it's up to the clubs that do exist to work out their own salvation.

Back to Ireland
Willie Reid, Bethlehem halfback, did not want to return to this country for the season just closed but obligated by an agreement and a few other concessions experienced a change of mind and sailed for America. Reid, it is believed, had intended to return to the Erin Isle and remain there regardless of whether Bethlehem continued or not. Willie is going on Saturday, according to advices from some of his player friends, and when he does go back his only return to t his country in the future, if at all, will be for a short term visit. Alec Massie, blond topped inside forward, and "Billy" Gibson, a fullback, it is believed are also contemplating an early departure to Scotland and when this trio is erased from American soccer the sport will lose three topnotch players.

Alec Dick to Travel
Alec Dick, outside forward, is trying to convince himself that a berth with the Hakoah All-Stars would be just the thing and if he can make up his mind within the next few weeks he will be included in a barnstorming tour of international flavor with the all-star Jewish aggregation. Hakoah is hard put for wing forwards. They have them but because of injuries and other reasons are not quite satisfied with the present talent. Dick looks mighty good and is believed to be just the player to give the club the strength that seemingly is lacking this season. And Hakoah to attract the cash customer must restore the prestige experienced by this club in its early campaigning.

Echoes from St. Louis
Of those who have not yet decided on future plans it is nevertheless intimated that if they do continue to boot the ball around on American soil they prefer a change of scene and are not very partial to the Atlantic Coast Soccer League. Some luring rumbles have been wafted in from St. Louis and to the homesters St. Looey appears to be the most fertile territory. Out in the Middle West soccer is said to be favored more generally by the sports-loving fans and if successful in developing teams on the par with those in the East even greater success is assured. And St. Louis would welcome a flock of Bethlehem players if any credence may be attached to a telegram recently received stating "press and public would welcome the team."

A Player Manager
There is some talk of St. Louis interests having a flyer out for some of the veteran and popular Bethlehem players urging him to migrate to that sector to assume a player-manager role. This player, it is understood, is feeling out sentiment among the home clan and if successful in recruiting enough of the Bethlehem talent to establish a strong nucleus for a club, may be tempted to give the proposition a chance. The player in question, whose name for the time being is not divulged, is a seasoned veteran and if experience means anything and he accepts the job, the managerial reins will be placed in capable hands.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club