In a game that carried with it the championship of the United States, Bethlehems Saturday defeated Brooklyn Celtic in the national challenge cup tie by a score of three goals to one. The contest was staged in Taylor stadium, Lehigh University, before seven thousand persons. Originally in the contest for this trophy were eighty-two teams, from all over the country. By the elimination contest eighty of these representative elevens were dropped.
The Bethlehem Steel company band of one hundred pieces enlivened the occasion, and “movies” recorded the many sensational plays. Bethlehems won because the local players outclassed the Celtic in all departments of the game. Two of Bethlehems’ scores cam in the first period and only the rarest kind of luck prevented Bethlehems from making three more. The first tally was made by Ford, who handled a beautiful cross shot from Fleming. This spurred Bethlehems and Fleming shortly after sent in what looked like a sure goal, but Mather stopped the ball, falling in doing so. Ford rushed in, but slipped and the ball rolled out of danger, Millar, Ford and Pepper also missed pretty tries. Just before halftime Millar received a cross shot from Ford was blocked and fell, but scrambling up he drove hard beading the goal keeper. During this half Goalkeeper Duncan was called on just one to handle the ball, while two other tries went wide. All told Bethlehems had twenty-four unsuccessful attempts to eight by Brooklyn during the whole game. Each team scored once during the second half, although Ford banked in a pretty crossover from Millar and Fleming, but the goal was not allowed. Bethlehems continued fiercely, two corners by Ford and one by Fleming going astray. Millar also missed a pretty try. Finally on a corner drive Fleming to Ford, the latter drove hard, a Brooklyn man handling the ball and giving Fleming a chance to score from penalty. He made good.
The Brooklyn Celtic at this point played its best game of the day taking the ball down the field. McQueen had a chance, but the ball hit the uprights, shortly after this McQueen had another chance and this time made no mistake, for after receiving a pass from O’Holloran who had already drawn Campbell towards him he worked his way between both backs and beat Duncan with a low hard drive which landed into the corner of the net. This goal gave the Brooklyn Celtic new life and from then on it attacked fiercely, apparently being determined to score again but the fine defensive work of Ferguson broke up the rally and Fleming getting the ball worked it down the field and centered to Millar. McWilliams, Brooklyn’s left fullback, however, intercepted Millar’s shot, the ball going over to Ford who made no mistake but drove in a fast terrific drive which gave Mather no chance. Referee Lambie refused to allow this point for Bethlehems claiming that Millar was off side. Bethlehems however continued to attack fiercely the game ended shortly afterward with the ball in Brooklyn’s territory. The line-up --
Brooklyn – Bethlehems
Mather – G -- Duncan
Nicholas – R. F. B. – Fletcher
McWilliams – L. F. B. – Ferguson
Broadbent – R. H. B. -- Campbell
Donegan – C. H. B. -- Clarke
Neville – L. H. B. -- Morrison
Campkin – O. R. -- Ford
Lonier – I. R. -- Murray
O’Halloran – C. F. -- Millar
McQueen – I. L. -- Pepper
McGreevey – O. L. -- Fleming
Summary – Goals: Ford, Millar, Fleming (penalty); McQueen. Referee – George Lambie, Boston; Linesmen – J. Walders, Philadelphia; C. C. Creighton, New York City. Time – two forty-five minute halves.
Well done Bethlehems, undisputed champion of the United States.
Congratulations to the team, you did well and the Bethlehems are proud of you.
The Bethlehems’ officials and directors deserve considerable credit and Saturday’s result was indeed a splendid finish to a most successful season. Well done, Bethlehems management.
Soccer experts from all over the country were in the Bethlehems on Saturday and all agree that Saturday’s contest was one of the cleanest games played in recent years.
Among those present at the game were such soccer notables as: -- J. A. Fernley, New Bedford, Mass., president of the U. S. F. A.; T. W. Cahill, secretary of the U. S. F. A.; Dr. Randolph Manning, New York City; ex-president of the U. S. F. A.; Andrew Brown, Yonkers, N. Y,, president of the A. F. A.; A. N. Beveridge, secretary of the A. F. A., Douglas Stewart, president of the Eastern Pennsylvania district football association; David M. White, president of the New York state referee association; Thomas Bagnall, president of the New York state league; John Lone, president of the state league of New Jersey and several other leading soccer officials of New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania.
The work of the referee and linesmen was all that could be desired, the result being a very clean and fast game.
The presence of the Bethlehem Steel company band did much to enliven the afternoon’s pleasure and its playing was greatly enjoyed.
The presentation of the De War trophy and gold medals, emblematic of the championship of the United States to the winners will take place on Saturday, June 5, in New York City.