By Fred Nonnemarcher
National League Flag Still Possible
Defeated in the National and American cup race, the Bethlehem Steel Workers will no direct their attention toward winning the honors in the National League tilt. The Robins, the team that crimped their hopes in the two classic events, loom up as the deciding rivals in the league tilts. The Robins are slated for two games with Bethlehem one of which is sure to be played on the home lot.
Cahill "Razzed' at Soccer Tilt
Tom Cahill, honorary secretary of the United States Football Association, was the target of some rather abusive "rassing" during the Bethlehem-Robins game at Harrison, N. J., yesterday afternoon. The chief offenders were a crowd of Erie players who apparently have little love for the dean of United States soccer. At any rate they intimated that the League was a one man's club and that Tom happened to be that man.