The toe of Tommy Murphy, one of the Steel Workers' best bets, made it possible for the Robins to annex this glowing victory, for it was directly due to Tommy unintentionally however, that the Robins garnered the only goal made in the game. It was during a scrimmage in front of the Bethlehem goal about five feet out that brought the spectators to their feet with a gasp. Tommy booted the ball into his own net and it was several seconds before the crowd of 7,000 or more realized what had happened. In fact, the majority of the players as well were astounded and for a few seconds were congratulating one another with a handshake not clearly realizing that it was a Bethlehem player who had given them the victory.
The old Federal Baseball Park at Harrison, N. J. now owned by the National Baseball Commission and kept closed to keep invading ball clans out of that city, was the scene of the conflict which from the very start to the final whistle was a titanic struggle for supremacy. The rivalry existing between the two teams was plainly visible at the very outset and it was only through the strict work of Referee George Lab that rough play was averted. Several times in the early minutes when acts of deliberate fouling were apparent, the referee called the guilty players to a side with threats of banishment from the game for a re-occurrence. This determined attitude on the part of the governing official was highly commendable.
The Steel Workers were on the field promptly at 3 o'clock, ready to start the fracas. It was twenty-five minutes later when the Robins made their appearance and Referee Lamb immediately set the game in motion.
Bethlehem won the toss and the Robins kicked off. Setting the pace during the first five minutes the dockers kept he Bethlehem on the defensive and Ratican sent in a hard shot which barely cleared the bar. Ratican had another chance when McGuire was fouled, but it went wide of the mark. Duncan hen brought the fans to their feet when he stopped a sterling ground shot by stretching his full length in front of the goal. A corner resulted, but Bethlehem cleared finely.
The Bethlehem players then took the initiative and their forceful tactics realized two corners in rapid succession, one on each wing. A foul was given against Bethlehem but the later speedily recovered, Forrest passed to Murphy, whose shot went over the bar.
Again the Robins [. . .]ed and again it was Duncan who saved the day. Ratican rushed in to drive the ball and in a collision with Duncan the [ . . . ] goalkeeper was laid out for several minutes. Garside essayed the corner kick, but the ball went out. A few minutes later Fleming broke through, but his shot for an opener goal was intercepted by Renzulli.
Battering away at Bethlehem's goal the Robins drew Duncan far out. A hard drive by Garside, however, went wild. Millar, harassing every step by Campbell, made good attempt only to find Duncan in the way. Another foul was given against the Steelmen and a minute later the referee had to warn Ratican, the Robins center. A good opportunity for the Robins was lost when Duncan fumbled and Ratican failed to take advantage. Miskicks by both Fleming and Pepper [ . . . ] a drive by Bethlehem, the Robins' half backs meanwhile doing splendid work. The half ended with no score for either side.
After change of ends, Millar's first opportunity went whistling [ . . . ] Shanholt, in conjunction with Millar starred on the left. McGuire next shot over, colliding with Ferguson. With the attack shifting against the dockers, Murphy drove in from the right taxing Renzulli to the limit. Ratican Millar and Shanholt combined [ . . . ] assault which failed.
Renewing the attack McGuire crossed to Millar, who let go for the Bethlehem goal. After Murray [ . . . ] for Robins the battle continued up and down the field with neither team having any apparent advantage.
The lineup:
Robins D. D. (1) -- Bethlehem (0)
Rensulli -- G -- Duncan
Robertson - R. B. -- Collier
Bronlee -- L. B. -- Ferguson
Beardsworth -- R. H. -- Murray
Clarke -- C. H. -- Campbell
Lane -- L. H. -- Morrison
Garside -- O. R. -- Murphy
McGuire -- I. R. -- Sturch
Ratican -- C. -- Forrest
Millar -- I. L. -- Pepper
Shamholt -- O. L -- Fleming
Referee -- George Lambie, Waverly, Mass. Linesmen -- William Gray and Robert Pearson. Goal -- Miller, Robins Dry Dock. Time -- Halves, of 45 minutes.
Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club