The Globe – South Bethlehem
Monday, May 4, 1914 – front page
Fifteen Minutes After the Game Had Started the Inside Left of the Steel Workers on a Neatly Executed Boot, Scored Bethlehems’ Point – Tacony Was Several Times In Close Proximity of the Goal, But Failed to Shoot – Special Trains Bring Crowds of Soccer Enthusiasts From Many Cities to Witness the Game. Many Fouls Committed – Tacony Aggressive.

To much credit cannot be given the Bethlehems, the champion of [ . . . ]for the splendid record they have made this year on the soccer field, without exception fighting against odds and on strange field have brought to Bethlehems the championship of America and the name of the Bethlehems speeds to all countries where soccer is played.

Bethlehems, the champions of the Allied American League, defeated Tacony, of Philadelphia, here yesterday in the replay final round of the American Cup competition by the score of 1 goal to 0 in a game that was of the real typical cup tie order. Bethlehems deserved to win the cup for the first time for they infused more “pep” into t heir play and made the most of their opportunities while the Taconyites did not take their chances. The solitary count was scored by Donaghy after fifteen minutes’ play, the inside left easily booting into the net from a scrimmage close to goal after several of the Tacony backs had failed to clear.

The steel workers certainly started on from the beginning as if the cup was theirs, for they went about their work with more vim than their opponents, who did not seem to be dangerous when close to goal, for their forwards lacked the necessary dash that is essential to win cup matches. In fact, if it had not been for the defense of Tacony, more than one goal would have been piled up against them, though, on the other hand, the Philadelphians had two or three hard luck shots that only missed by a whisker. Toward the latter part of the game, Hartwell hit the post with Scaife completely beaten, but the ball rolled on the outside.

Bethlehems also had some hard luck chances, one in particular being from a corner kick when “Whitey” Fleming placed the ball into Tacony’s goal without a second player touching the ball, and , of course, a goal kick resulted. There has been several occasions in the past that the ball has been put through goal from a corner kick, but as the rules distinctly state that the ball must be played twice nothing has resulted from the effort. Such critics as William Suttcliffe, the noted president of the Referee’s association of England, has time and again tried to have the rules amended and as late as last season Scotland brought the subject forward before the International Board, but they decided to allow it stand, which is an injustice to a player taking a corner kick if he should have the habit of drawing the kick that fine as to place it between the posts without any assistance.

The second period in yesterday’s game was exceptionally fast, Tacony apparently getting a new lease of life for it displayed some of the footwork that eliminated the Brooklyn F. C. and the Hibernians from the competition. The Bethlehems defense appeared shaky several times, while Tacony forwards were showing a little of their team work, and for several minutes in this round Tacony had their up-State opponents on the jump.

It was surprising the manner that Bethlehems kept pegging t he ball toward the left wing with a view of getting Fleming properly started, especially as the latter was always being watched and in consequence he was generally bottled up either by Kennedy or Johnny Small, who by the way, was the best full-back on the [ . . . ] his kicking being one of the most conspicuous features. It was evident that there was not anyone [ . . . ] instructions to the Bethlehems


Credit for sticking in the game to the finish.

Kennedy should have evened up the scoring when the teams had been battling for about twenty minutes in the second stanza for he was given a free kick just outside of the penalty area on account of Bobby Morrison attempting the hitch and kick or to be more precise, jumping in the air with both feet which is dangerous to the opposing players. Kennedy instead of allowing for the wind that was blowing across the goal sent the sphere yards wide, a splendid chance being thrown to the discard.

In marked contrast to some of his previous displays, Hartwell seemed to have lost his eye for distance, for he had several openings that with better judgment would have materialized. Frankie Brown mad a little difference at center forward, but he had a hard nut to get away with in Bobby Morrison, who as usual was the life and soul of the Bethlehems half backs. Lawler played a hard game, but the had all his work cut out in watching Waldron, who while being somewhat slow generally made good use of the ball when it was passed his way

With the playing of yesterday’s game, the soccer season is practically ended until next September. The line-up:

Tacony – Bethlehems
Ness – goal -- Scaife
Small -- R. F. B. -- Toole
McEwen – L. F. B. -- Peacock
Kennedy – R. H. B. -- Stewart
Campbell – C. H. B. -- Morrison
Alexander – L. H. B. -- Lawler
Waldron – O. R. -- Harrison
Wilson – I. R. -- Murray
Brown – C. F. -- Lance
Houison – I. L. -- Donaghy
Hartwell – O. L. – Fleming

Final score – Bethlehem, 1; Tacony, 0. Half-time score – Bethlehem, 1; Tacony 0. Goal made by Donaghy. Referee – Allen Montgomery, Newark, N. J. Linesmen – Ward and Psate. Time of halves – 45 minutes.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club