The Globe -- South Bethlehem
Tuesday, May 5, 1914 -- editorial
The American cup championship has come to the Bethlehems. The securing of this title was the result of almost endless training and coaching and the resultant prowess on the gridiron that scored a series of victories for the Bethlehems' club, a continuous list of successes that chronicled the fall of each and every team that had the temerity to compete. Many of the games placed Bethlehems at a disadvantage, commpulsion to travel the day of the game or the one just before it and play upon a strange field. Considereing the trialst hat ended in not only a undefeated record but more than this, a victorious one, Bethlehems winning the series was a victory of signal character, one that is truly enviously considered and in fact to be jealously regarded. Bethlehems' banner that this brave host upheld in other cities, could not have been displayed to more advantage before the croweds that have become soccer enthusiasts and the fame of the Bethlehems could no wise be better or more widely proclaimed than it has been done by this string of victories, the news of which has been hurried to every center of population in the world. Bethlehems' place in the field of athletics has been permanently fixed by their band of heroes on the gridiron, an advertisement that is par excellence as to effect. The Bethlehems' Soccer club and its management and the support, which last was never over generous, have caused Bethlehems name to be spelled in the biggest characters in every city and town newspaper in the civilized world and reference made to this vicinity in terms glowing with praise and expressions of endorsement. No other means locally except the industrial, and educational and musical renown of the Bethlehems would have caused a paralleled effect. The Bethlehems rejoice with the Bethlehems Soccer club. The Bethlehems owe this organization of gladiators in the cause of Bethlehems' honor a homage that words, no matter how eloquent, must fail in expression, a debt of gratitude that defies liquidation, a regard that not only should enliven an interest in wholesome athletics, but should cause an expression of recognition, of thankfulness, of congratulation, for the glory of triumph of Bethlehems, the champion of the nation.
Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club