The Globe -- Bethlehem
Monday, May 6, 1918
Have Many Excellent Chances To Scorer Against the Fall River Rovers But Fail to Make Good in All But Two Attempts -- Locals Are First to Score
Steel Works Again, by Over-Zealousness, Fail to Take Advantage of Good Opportunities In Two Extra Periods of 15 Minutes Each -- How Game Was Played.

Two hours of strenuous play failed to decide the winner of the annual soccer classic staged at Pawtucket, R. I., Saturday afternoon, the Bethlehem Steel and Fall River Rovers finishing with two goals apiece. The game was the final in the National Cup and was one of the fastest and keenest struggles ever witnessed in this country.

For more than three-fifths of the game the Steel Workers did the attacking but over-anxiety prevented them from scoring on many occasions. Thirteen thousand spectators witnessed the game and at least five thousand journeyed from Fall River to cheer for the Rovers.

At a special meeting of the national challenge cup committee of the United States Football Association held at Pawtucket, it was decided to replay the final tie next Saturday or Sunday in the New York district.

Negotiations have opened for staging the big game either at Ebbetts Field, Brooklyn, on Saturday or at the Federal League park, Harrison, N. J., or Clark's Athletic Field, Newark, N. J., next Sunday, the latter being the most probable.

The following were present at the meeting: President Thomas Bagnall, Andrew M. Brown, Joe Boot and Thomas W. Cahill.

The Game

Captain Swords won the toss for Fall River and Ratican kicked off for the Steel Workers. It was early apparent that the game was going to be a hummer, the Rovers getting possession in the first minute and sending a long shot at Duncan which went past. On Duncan's long kick the Steel Workers swarmed toward the Rovers' goal, Ratican sending past in the second minute of play several shots. Long exchanges by the full backs followed after which the Steel Workers again got possession and on a nice cross from Fleming, Ratican crashed the ball into the net for the opening goal -- time, four minutes. On the restart the Rovers rushed the Bethlehem goal and Duncan had a narrow escape on a shot from Morgan, the ball just grazing the upright. Again the Steel Workers pressed hard and looked like adding to the score but Pepper's parting shot was blocked by Burns, and the Rovers rushed down the field and from a scrimmage on the six yard line Sullivan tied the score whit a shot that gave Duncan no chance. This reverse seemed to add to the Steel Workers determination and they continued to press around the Rovers goal, but it was not until after thirty minutes of play that the Steel Workers were able to add to the score. The second goal came after a beautiful passing movement in which the whole forward line participated, ending up with Fleming passing the ball across to Murphy who returned it in fine style and Fleming, who was well placed, headed the ball into the net. The rovers were still in a fighting mood and w ere soon around the Bethlehem goal, Swords, Sullivan and Morgan trying from every angle to place the ball into the net but the Bethlehem defense was too much for them and Bethlehem once more returned to the attack, Murphy forcing a corner which was well placed but the Rovers cleared in good style and with one minute to go in the first half rushed down the field and from a scramble in front of the goal Chadwick scored, the goal that tied the score. The Bethlehem players protested the goal, claming that Chadwick elbowed the ball into the net but to no avail. The referee who seemed to be of the same mind as the Steel Workers, consulted the linesmen and both of the line officials decided that the goal was O. K. Immediately after the restart the first half ended. Score: Bethlehem 2; Fall River Rovers 2.

Sullivan kicked off for the Rovers and Bethlehem forced a corner in the first minute but the Rovers again cleared and the play moved fast up and down the field, first one goal and then the other undergoing narrow escapes. After fifteen minutes of play in this half the Bethlehem half backs seemed to have complete control of the Rovers' forward line, with the result that Bethlehem pressed continuously, five corners coming to them in rapid succession, but despite all their efforts they could not get the goal that would decide the issue. Shots rained in from all angles but poor direction and lack of the necessary sting were the main faults o the Steel Workers' forwards. After 25 minutes of this continuous pressure the Rovers broke away and forced a corner. At t his stage of the game the Rovers lost the greatest opportunity they had of the day, Sullivan sending the ball over the bar from the six-yard line. On Duncan's long clearance, Fleming got possession and a corner off Booth. The kick was well placed but C. Burns headed the ball out of danger. The two regular periods ended with the score two goals each.

The referee ordered two extra periods of fifteen minutes each and Bethlehem attacked almost continuously in the first fifteen, every player on the team working at top speed to get the goal that meant victory for Bethlehem, and although Murphy struck the cross bar with a long shot and Fleming brought the crowd to their feet with a terrific shot that went over the bar the goal was not forthcoming and the teams turned around for the final fifteen minutes. The pace had been a grueling one from the start of the game and both teams were showing signs of distress but the great issue at stake encouraged them to the last; it was in this period that Bethlehem lost two good opportunities to score, Murphy getting possession on both occasions but anxiety to place the ball beyond the goaltender's reach was his undoing, and although some very fast exchanges took place in the closing minutes of the game neither team was able to register the wining goal and play ended with the ball in midfield.

Fall River Rovers -- Bethlehem Steel
Albin -- G -- Duncan
Booth -- RFB -- Fletcher
C. Burns -- LFB -- Ferguson
F. Burns -- RHB -- Murray
Beardsworth -- CHB -- Campbell
Clarke -- LHB -- Kirkpatrick
Smith -- OR -- Murphy
Morgan -- IR -- Pepper
Sullivan -- CF -- Ratican
Swords -- IL -- Easton
Chadwick -- OL -- Fleming
Goals: Ratican, Fleming, Sullivan, Chadwick. Linesmen: Booth, McLeik. Referee: Crichton.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club