The Rovers kicked off and Landy passed to Sullivan, the inside right, who swung the ball over to Swords, who eluded the backs and gave Duncan no chance whatever to save.
This early reverse put Bethlehem on their mettle and they started a raid on the Rovers' goal, Booth punting behind for a corner, which was well placed, but Easton headed behind again. Bethlehem attacked and Forrest should have equalized, but missed by yards.
Bethlehem were all over the Rovers and their backs put the ball out of play at every opportunity. Murray at right half, played a brilliant game and fed his forwards fine, but they could not score. Bethlehem gained seven corner kicks in this half and Fall River only got over their half-way line four times.
With the wind at their backs in the second half it was thought that the Rovers could secure more goals, but they seldom got within shooting distance. Duncan only had the ball twice in this half. McFarlane at center half had the measure on Easton and the Bethlehem center never got a real chance to shoot. A pretty run by McKelvey raised the hopes of the Steel Company rooters when Easton headed over. The Rovers tried all kinds of tactics which were not in the laws of the game and Referee Taylor was not any to strict with them, Sullivan and Swords being the worst offenders.
Ferguson played a great game at back with the Bethlehem halves working hard, but their forwards could do anything but score. They easily had 85 minutes of the game, the Rovers breaking away in flashes. F. Burns, at right half for the Rovers, never left the side of Fleming all through the game, Swords, the Rovers' captain, was carried off the field by the Rovers' supporters at the end of the game.
Fall River -- Positions -- Bethlehem
Albion -- Goal -- Duncan
Booth -- R. F. B. -- Fletcher
F. Burns -- R. H. B. -- Ferguson
C. Burns -- L. F. B. -- Murray
MacFarlane -- C. H. B. -- Campbell
Lapierre -- L. H. B. -- Kirkpatrick
Turner -- R. O. -- McKelvey
Sullivan -- R. I. -- Pepper
Landy -- C. F. -- Easton
Swords -- I. L. -- Forrest
Cullegion -- I. O. -- Fleming
Goal -- Swords. Referee -- W. Taylor, Boston. Linesmen -- R. Ritchie, Pawtucket; E. Darcy, Boston. Time -- Two 45-minute halves.