The Globe -- Bethlehem
Tuesday, May 7, 1918
Soccer Notes

The Bethlehem Steel will start training this evening for the replay of the National Cup final and the fact that the game will be played in the New York district has greatly increased the confidence of the team. Good judges of the game who have seen the Rovers play away from home claim that they are an entirely different team on neutral territory. A big crowd of Bethlehem fans will be sure to witness the game and the biggest crowd that has ever seen a game in the New York district is expected to be on hand, including a large contingent from Fall River.

Many soccer fans who witnessed last Saturday's final at Pawtucket, R. I., believe that the Rovers will be defeated if the game is played on any other ground outside of New England.

Latest advices from the United States Football Association headquarters are to the effect that the game will be replayed in the New York district on Sunday, May 12. If this information proves to be correct, Fred Burns of the Rovers' right halfback, will find that insulting a linesman will not be tolerated by the sports-loving people of that neighborhood.

Sullivan, the Rovers' center forward, got away with a lot of rough work in last Saturday's game but the is not likely to repeat before a crowd that does not believe in victory at any price, and he will find that the New York fans have a different interpretation of many of the rules of the game.

Tommy Swords, heralded in the press as the greatest center forward in the country was seldom in the limelight as Tommy Murphy took good care of him. Although the Rovers centered their attack around him he seldom looked dangerous.

The Bethlehem Steel forward line will have to improve in their shooting if they expect to beat the Rovers in the replay. The bustling methods of the Rovers' defense does not fit in with clever football.

Beardsworth, the Rovers' center halfback, is the cleverest man on the team and had the additional merit of playing football at all times.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club