Thomas W. Cahill, secretary of the United States Football Association, is busy making arrangements for the big crowd that is sure to witness this game. No other game will be allowed to take place in this district on that date.
An effort is being made to have the Steel Workers play a National League game either her on Saturday or in Newark on Sunday with West Hudson A. A.
At the present time it looks as though the game would be played in Newark. A few changes are sure to take place in the Bethlehem lineup for this game.
If the Steel Workers are successful in arranging a league game for Saturday or Sunday, a few of the reserve players will have an opportunity to show their ability.
At a meeting of the A. F. A. last night it was decided to play the final round of the American Cup at Pawtucket, R. I., on Saturday, May 25th.
Fore River and Babcock & Wilcox will play the semi-final of the American Cup on Saturday, May 11, on the Fore River grounds at Quincy, Mass. The winner will meet Bethlehem Steel F. C. in the final game.
There is a possibility of the change of the referee and the linemen in the national final game to be played on May 19.
There was great disappointment in the Fall River camp at the ineffectiveness of Tommy Swords but the Steel Workers will do well to remember that he is liable at any time to get away with an individual burst that will mean a goal.
At a meeting last night in Newark of the New Jersey Football Association, Paterson's protest against Farro of New York in a National League game, was sustained. The National League officials will carry the case to the United States Football Association.