The Bethlehem Soccer Club, a new organization created at a meeting last night, is the applicant, and a team that will be recruited with several of the former Bethlehem Steel players as a nucleus, providing the latter may obtain the status of an amateur.
This new club is really the outgrowth of the now defunct Bethlehem team, sponsored and backed by fans who were loyal to the major leaguers during the many years of soccer campaigning. A meeting was held Thursday evening at which the club was organized and plans laid for future seasons. The officers elected were: Charles Clarke, of the C. K. Eagle Silk Co., president; Arlo Wear, city councilman, vice president; John McCleary, of Roller Smith Co., secretary; and Alderman Charles Wortman, treasurer. Robert Terris was named manager and John "Jock" Ferguson, trainer. The latter two served in a similar capacity with the Bethlehem team.
Terris, a former player, will have complete charge of the management and the signing of players and hopes to field an exceptionally strong club. It is understood that no less than five former Bethlehem players, each of whom is established here as a permanent resident, are prospects for the team and will sign providing they can be made eligible. It is understood that application will be made to regain an amateur status and if successful in this quest will toss their lot with the new club.
There were eighteen players and soccer boosters present at the meeting last night. Another meeting will be held next Thursday when numerous tentative details will be ironed out.