The Globe -- Bethlehem
Saturday, May 10, 1919
A Swing Along Athletic Row

By Fred Nonnemacher
More Soccer for Champions
Bethlehem Steel's sensational soccer campaigning which as far as league and cup games are concerned has come to a close, will be extended later this year probably than ever before. The announcement is made that Manager Sheridan has completed negotiates with an All-Toronto club for a game in University Stadium in Toronto on May 24 (Victoria Day). The team is still intact although practice has been practically abandoned. However, with the excellent condition in which the players finished the season Manager Sheridan is confident that they will need little training to whip into shape for the contest. With this game a certainty, it is also likely that the United States champions will close arrangements with the Hamilton club in Canada while on the trip. On their return an invasion will probably be made into the New England States for a game with the once great Rovers or whatever remnants of that team still remain, strengthened by several players. Reports from Canada are to the effect that elaborate arrangements are being planned for the contest and that, weather permitting, the game should be the greatest ever witnessed on Canadian soil. The "Kanucks" are still suffering from the sting of defeat on the two occasions they met the champions and it is with the intention of wiping out these stains that the promoters are anxious to stage the contest.

Soccer Invasion Abroad Looks Doubtful
Several weeks ago Sec. Cahill of the United States Football Association announced that all arrangements had been made for the invasion of the Bethlehem F. C. into Sweden but since then little if anything has been heard of the proposed exhibition tour. Attention is called because of the fact that the trip was planned to start some time around the first of June and as the time draws near more definite information should be forthcoming. In view of the exhibition games in booking for the champions, they will be kept busy until at least after the first week in June if Manager Sheridan is successful in closing for the contests. While it is believed that Swedish promoters are keen for the exhibition contests and that the champions would be a big drawing card, it is hinted that the guarantees offered do not quite suit or warrant making the trip.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club