The officials of the Bethlehems’ champion soccer team, will attend the first annual banquet of the American league, Philadelphia, tonight in the Continental hotel, Ninth and Chestnut streets, Philadelphia. At this banquet the presentation to the Bethlehems team, winners of the American league competition of Philadelphia will be presented with the silver cup and gold medals given by the American league of Philadelphia. All the leading soccer officials will be in attendance, including such prominent men as J. Fernley, president of the U. S. F. A.; T. W. Cahill, secretary of the U. S. F. A.; Andrew Brown, president of the A. F. A.; A. N. Beveridge, secretary; Doughles Stewart, president of the E. P. and D. F. A.; John P. Farrell, president of the allied league; C. Thayer, president of the Cricket league; T. Plunkett of the United league; Major A. B. deSaulles, president of the Blue Mountain league; J. H. Carpenter, secretary of the Blue Mountain league, and A. Watson, president of the Philadelphia league. Covers will be laid for 100. J. M. Herbig, W. H. Bischoff, H. E. Lewis and H. W. Trend and Captain Morrison will represent the Bethlehems club. June 5, the United State Football association will present the Bethlehems club with the DeWar trophy and gold medals, emblematic of the championship of the United States. This presentation will take place in the Broadway Central hotel, New York City. The following communication was received yesterday by Bethlehems from the American league of Philadelphia conveying congratulations:
Philadelphia, May 11, 1915.
H. W. Trend, Secretary,
Bethlehem F. C.
Bethlehem, Pa.
My dear sir:
At the regular meeting of the American league held on Thursday, May 6, 1915, it was decided unanimously to adopt the following motion:
That the secretary of the league shall convey to the Bethlehems Football club the appreciation of the league, inasmuch as the Bethlehems club has acquired not only the championship of the American league but had also captured the championship of the United States, bringing new laurels to Bethlehem in which the American league heartily shares and congratulates both officials and players on the honors attained.
With assurances of kindest personal regards, I beg to remain
Sincerely yours truly,
Secretary American League