Bethlehem Globe
May 14, 1924
A Swing Along Athletic Row

That Fall River Game Here On Saturday
Sports followers arguing that soccer fails to produce the thrills of the more standard American sports are certain to be otherwise convinced by the visit to the Steel Field on Saturday afternoon. It is agreed that much interest is lost on the sport due to the pairing in the past in cup competition when in the early rounds it was most general to find a much inferior team opposed to the more superior outfit. But that will be done away with if the National Association concede to the demand of the American Soccer League to eliminate all league clubs in the first three rounds. And there is every reason to believe the association will for failure to do so may result in a split in the ranks. Games such as is to be played here on Saturday produce all the thrills one may desire for the teams are more evenly matched and players must be at their best to combat the opposing forces. Having been fortunate in witnessing all but one of the four games played between Fall River and Bethlehem in not one minute of the contest did the action lag or was the play devoid of spectacular and sensational work. With the count two apiece the rivalry stimulated between these leading clans is at boiling point and this attitude crops out frequently during the game. Without a doubt the eyes of the soccer world will be centered on Bethlehem on Saturday afternoon for the meeting is truly the blue ribbon event of the home season.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club