Manager H. W. Trend who attended the Allied American League meeting in Philadelphia yesterday announced that the West Philadelphia club had forfeited to Bethlehem in the final for the Allied Amateur Cup. This being a clear case of cold feet, however the association not wishing to disappoint the Philadelphia fans who were looking forward to this big game on Saturday at Washington Park, have asked the Bethlehems champions to play an all-star team of Philadelphia. This Bethlehems has agreed to do and will leave on the 12:45 p.m. train tomorrow. The following players will make the trip and team will be picked from the same: Peacock, Scaife, McKelvey, Stewart, Murray, Morrison, Lawler, Fleming, Donaghy, Lance, Lewis and Harrison. The lineup of the All-Stars is as follows: Carter of Reading goal; Hubbard of Reading, rfb; Wise of Falls, lfb; Staiger of Disston, rhb; Fisher of West Philadelphia, chb; Brown of Falls, lhb; Thompson of Linwood Hibs, of Chester, Del., or; Kendall of West Philadelphia, ir; Hewitt of Linwood Hibs. Of Chester, Del., cf; Gunn of Falls, il; Wilson of Linwood Hibs. Of Chester, Del., ol. The referee will be Charles Mayne of Philadelphia and the linesmen must be neutral. The Putnam F. C. and the Centenary F. C. will play a preliminary game before the big game. Bethlehems has landed a triple championship a feat no other team in the country has ever done. Tomorrow's game will close the season. The Bethlehems club will give its first annual dance in the Colosseum, Wednesday night, next. Music by the Bethlehem Steel Company Band and Ueberroth's orchestra. Continuous dancing from 8:30 p.m.