The Globe -- Bethlehem
Wednesday, May 15, 1918
Soccer Notes

The replay of the National Cup final at Federal League baseball grounds at Harrison, N. J., is the leading topic of interest in soccer circles in the east. Fall River Rovers and Bethlehem Steel were considered evenly matched in the first game at Pawtucket, R. I., but now that the game will be replayed on a ground that can be considered neutral to both teams the Steel Workers will be sure to rule favorites. This is the third year in succession that these teams have met in the final, the Steel Workers winning it the first year by the score of one goal to nothing, and the Rovers were victorious last year by the same score, so that the final this year will have the additional interest of deciding the rubber. Both teams play an entirely different game, the Rovers depending on the bustling rushing tactics that have made them famous, while the Steel Workers play a more scientific game, depending on clever football to carry them through to victory. Both styles of play have their special admirers, some fans claiming that the rushing, go-ahead tactics adopted by the Rovers is more profitable in cup games where excitement is intense. However, Bethlehem admirers claim that clever, methodical football will always carry a team to victory, against rushing tactics, so that Sunday's game ought to decide which method is the most profitable in cup games. Both teams are sure to stick to the style of play that is considered their special line.

The Bethlehem fans who expect to see the National Cup final will be in time for the game leaving on the New Jersey Central Railroad at 10:45 and going direct to New York, returning to Harrison on the Hudson tube.

The Bethlehem Steel-Fall River final will be the only game in the Newark district on Sunday, so that if weather conditions are favorable a big crowd ought to witness the game.

Manager Crook of Fall River team states that a big crowd of Rover fans will leave Fall River on the night boats for the final. However, the Steel Workers expect to have enough supporters at the game to at least rival the Fall River delegation.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club