The Globe -- Bethlehem
May 17, 1920
Erie F. C. Which Earlier in Season Defeated Steel Club Loses 4 to 0

Soccer was the attraction on the home lot of the Bethlehem Steel Athletic field on Saturday afternoon when the Bethlehem F. C. downed their early season conquerors, the Erie F. C. in a National League game. The Steel Workers made their victory decisive by rolling up a total of four points while the visiting aggregation returned home a shutout victim. Bethlehem's victory in the game on Saturday practically eliminates the Eries from any further chances in garnering the league honors, while for Bethlehem it tightens up the chances which will be decided next Saturday afternoon on the home lot when the Robins Dry Docks come here for the third meeting with the former champions.

Several new players made their debut with the local clan and probably for this reason the playing was not as smooth as might have been expected. Among these newcomers was Frank McKenna, a soccer product from abroad, whose play proved to be the marked feature of the contest. McKenna was a member of the Bethlehem Club a year ago, signing shortly before the team left on the Scandinavian tour. However, he did not remain here and his return is a welcome asset to the making up of the team. McKenna is a worthy rival for Jimmy Murphy as the diminutive member of the squad, but what he lacks in height is fully offset in weight and playing ability. He was played at center forward and scored two of the four goals. "Bob" Ferguson, another old-timer, was injected into the half-back line, but filed to make any startling impression. Bob apparently has been out of the game too long and quite often was lost with the fast pace set by the visitors. It was the other halfbacks that frequently came to his rescue in the defense. This weakness was readily sized up by the Erie crowd and most of their aggressive efforts and forward movements were directed on Ferguson's side of the field. Duncan is still nursing injuries as the result of the two grueling games with Robins Dry Docks and was kept on the sidelines for the game next Saturday. "Jimmy" Easton, the team's general utility man, assumed the burden of goal and quite ably took care of this position.

Erie -- Positions -- Bethlehem
Gorfer -- Goal -- Easton
Ingram -- LFB -- Ferguson
Post -- RFB -- Fletcher
T. Zark -- LHB -- B. Ferguson
Rogers -- CHB -- Campbell
Holt -- RHB -- Murray
A. Stark -- OR -- Murphy
Koelsch -- IR -- Pepper
Ford -- CF -- McKenna
Siegle -- OL -- Fleming
Nielson -- IL -- Forrest
Goals -- McKenna, 2; Fleming, Murphy. Linesmen -- Watson and Gorman. Referee -- John Walder, Philadelphia. Time -- 45 min. halves.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club