The Globe -Bethlehem
May 19, 1919
By Winning Soccer Contest Yesterday Local Team Clinched Another Pennant.

The National League soccer season wound up yesterday afternoon when the Bethlehem Steel champions defeated the Paterson F. C., on the latter's field, by the score of 2 goals to 1. The result of the game could have no difference in the standing of the champions, and while little preparation was made for the contest, Manager Sheridan's proteges romped through the contest for the fifth win over the silk workers this season.

Three more games are to be played, incidentally all exhibition contest, after which the team will prepare for its invasion of Sweden. Two of the exhibition games will be played in Canada and one with an all-star team at Niagara Falls, the players representing that soccer district.

A thousand fans turned out to see the soccer champions in action and rooted hard for the home team to win, especially so after the Silk Workers got the jump by scoring the first goal. This counter came twenty minutes after the start of the game after some fine combination between Archie Stark and Brown, ending in the latter crashing the ball past Duncan with an unstoppable shot. The Paterson crowd held the lead only a short time, for after this first counter McKelvey forced a corner, and from his perfect center, Forrest equalized the score.

From then on the game was nip and tuck with no more scoring until midway in the second half when Fleming sent across a grand center, with McKelvey picked up and gave his side the lead with a lightning shot at which Garside had no chance. The final whistle found Bethlehem once more topping the Paterson crows. The game was the only one in which the silk workers managed to get a point through Bethlehem's goal.

This defeat leaves Paterson tied with Merchant Ship for second place in the league. The line-up:

Bethlehem - Pos. -- Paterson
Duncan - G -- Garside
Wilson - R. B. -- Post
Ferguson - L. B. -- Murray
Butler - R. H. B. - T. Stark
Fletcher - C. H. B. -- Broadbent
Morrison - L. H. B. -- Meyerdierks
McKelvey - O. R. -- Hunziker
Easton - I. R. -- Knowles
Ratican - C -- Stark
Forrest - I. L. -- Brown
Fleming - O. L. -- Shanaholtz
Referee, T. Cunningham. Linesman, J. Pepper, Bethlehem, and T. Dilman, Paterson. Goals for Bethlehem; Forrest and McKelvey; for Paterson, Brown. Time of halves: 45 minutes.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club