Six thousand fans from Fall River, New Bedford and vicinity on Saturday saw the Bethlehem Steel Works team eliminate Fall River Rover from the American Cup series by the score of three goals to one.
The grounds were wet and heavy which however did not seem to effect either team. The Bethlehem team played one of the best games of the season and clearly demonstrated its superiority over Fall River Rover. Both teams mad several changes in their lineup. McKelvey and Brown taking Butler’s and MacDonald’s places in the Bethlehem forward line. Turner and Burns were the new men assisting Fall River.
Bethlehem won the toss and Swords kicked for Fall River at 3:30 p.m. Campbell blocked Both and shot the ball to McKelvey who dashed down the wing and centered the ball which however dropped on the top of the net. Both sides attacked fiercely and the play was of the give-and-take order, both goals having several narrow escapes. Bethlehem opened the score after twenty minutes of play when Brown landed one, after which Rover started to use rough tactics, and Referee Lambi stopped the game for two minutes and nearby sent one of the Fall River players off the field. Shortly before half time the Rovers forced a corner which was well placed by Morgan, Swords scoring. With the score one to one the Fall River fans went wild and kept up a continual din of yelling and shouting. Two minutes after Fall River had equalized the score the Bethlehem forward line dashed down the field as one and McKelvey scored again putting Bethlehem in the lead: half-time, Bethlehem 2, Fall River 1. In the second half the Rovers seemed to tier and it was in this period that Bethlehem demonstrated great team work, Pepper making a remarkable run down the right wing beating three men in succession and centering to McKelvey who put it past Holmes for the third goal. Shortly afterwards Clarke broke through and should have had no trouble in putting Bethlehem four up but it hit the upright on a hard drive which rebounded into play and was cleared by Burns. Pepper was given great applause from the crowd for his work in making the third point for Bethlehem and from then on the crowd cheered and clapped for every good play made by the Bethlehem team. When the game ended with Bethlehem winners three goals to one the crowd swarmed on the field and shook hands with the players and officials.
Bethlehem will now meet Scottish American of Newark in the final of the American Cup championship, the latter team having defeated Babcock and Wilcox eleven yesterday at Newark. Just where this final game will be staged will be settled at the American Football association meeting to be held during the coming week.
The line-up of Saturday’s game:
Bethlehem. – Position – Fall River.
Duncan – goal -- Albion
Fletcher – R. F. B. -- Bagley
Murray – R. H. B. – O. Burns
Campbell – C. H. B. – F. Burns
Morrison – L. H. B. -- Hennesy
McKelvey – O. R. -- Morgan
Pepper – I. R. -- Booth
Clarke – C. F. -- Swords
Brown – I. L. -- Turner
Fleming – O. L. -- Garant
Linesmen: Williams of Boston; Cyr of Fall River.