The Globe – South Bethlehem
Wednesday, May 24, 1916
Teams Will Clash Saturday For League Championship.

The play off for the Philadelphia league championship between Bethlehem Steel and Disston will take place next Saturday, May 27 on the Disston ball park at Tacony, Philadelphia. W. Hinds, Philadelphia, will referee. The game is scheduled to start at 3 p.m. The winner of this game will be awarded the league cup and gold medals. The members of the Bethlehem squad are undergoing special training and considering the hard game they had last Saturday all are in fairly good condition.

The advisory board of the American Football association will hold a special meeting in Newark this evening to decide when and where the final game for the American Cup competition shall be played. Bethlehem steel company and Scottish-American, of Newark are the two finalists. Scottish-American won the American Cup competition last season and is composed entirely of American born boys. Their playing this year has been of the sensational order and they have defeated more experienced teams by their speed and aggressiveness. Efforts are being made by the Bethlehem Steel company athletic committee to have this game played on Lehigh University field.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club