The Globe -- Bethlehem
May 24, 1920
Brooklyn soccer Team, Thorn in Side of Steel Workers, Gives Drubbing
Prove to Large Crowd that Former Champs Still Have Class to Them

Paying their first visit of the season to Bethlehem, the Robins Dry Docks eleven, winners of the American Cup championship and twice conquerors of the Bethlehem Steel team on alien fields, were finally subdued by the former champions on Saturday afternoon, going down under the overwhelming defeat of 6 goals to 1.

Twice the Robins proved the thorn in aspirations of the Steel Workers this year, crowding them out of the chances of cup winners in both the American and National Cup fixtures. Still smarting under the sting of these defeats the Bethlehem clan were out for revenge and closed the season with the honor of administering the first defeat to the Robins in the National League and the most overwhelming of their career.

In the first half Bethlehem started off in whirlwind style, scoring two goals in the first five minutes of playing, Robins scoring later. For the remainder of the half, play was exceptionally fast and even, both teams displaying a wonderful brand of soccer. The Robins had the advantage of the sun and wind in this period and it was readily seen that if the Steel Workers could cross over with their lead of two goals to one, the second half w2oule be greatly in favor of the locals. This is exactly what transpired and in the second half Bethlehem gave a wonderful exhibition of aggressive football. They swept the Robins before them with attacks from the right and left and it was only a matter of time until they added to their score. Fleming made the score 3 to 1 after 22 minutes of play in the second half and from that time on the fans were treated to the greatest exhibition of football ever seen in Bethlehem. From goal to outside left the Steelworkers played as they never did before and goals came at regular intervals, McKenna and Murphy locating the net as finishing touches to all around combination participated in by every man on the attack. Several features of the game held the interest of the crowd, such as comparison of the center forwards and McKenna was easily given the palm, due to his superior control of the ball. Another source of individual comparison was the center halfbacks, Clarke and Campbell and the work of the Bethlehem captain appeared superior to that of the visitor's pivot. Time and again Campbell broke up attacks of the Robins' line and showed great judgment in sensing the real danger of the line, the playing of McGuire at inside right, who was responsible for a most even, concerted attack by the visitors. William Morrison and Murray worked like heroes in the halfback line in conjunction with Campbell and the effectiveness of the Bethlehem attacks was due in great measure to the middle trio.

Despite the many athletic attractions in Bethlehem on Saturday, the attendance was the biggest of the season. More than 1,100 fans wended their way to the athletic field and a more enthusiastic crowd never before witnessed a game.

For the visitors McGuire, Lance, Brownlie and Garside were best and for Bethlehem it would be an injustice to the team to single out any individual as being superior to his teammate.

In the second half Bethlehem stated off with a rush and shots from Campbell, Forrest and McKenna kept the Robins defense on the jump. A vigorous attack by the Robins left forced Wilson to concede a corner but Ratican headed over the bar. A foul against Robertson near the penalty area looked bad for the Robins, but Murray shot high over the bar. Bethlehem continued to attack and Pepper just missed the upright with a good header. Forrest was of little use in the Bethlehem attack due to an injury received close to half time but despite this disadvantage the Steel Workers continued to have the best of the play and Fleming scored the third goal by taking advantage of a misunderstanding between Robertson and Brownlie. A few minutes later Fleming again broke away in the left and shot hard for goal. Renzulli stopped the shot but could not hold it and McKenna rushed in and scored the 4th tally. The two final counters were due to the efforts of Murphy and Pepper who scored with shots that were too difficult for Renzulli to stop.

Robins Dry Dock -- Bethlehem
Renzulli -- G -- Easton
Robertson -- RFB -- Wilson
Brownlie -- LFB -- Ferguson
Beardsworth -- RHB -- Murray
Clark -- CHB -- Campbell
Lance -- LHB -- W. Morrison
Garside -- OR - -Murphy
McGuire -- IR -- Pepper
Ratican -- CF -- McKenna
Millar -- IL -- Forrest
Sanholt -- OL -- Fleming
Goals -- Ratican, Murphy 2, Pepper, McKenna, Fleming. Linesmen - -Duncan and Kidd. Referee -- John Walder. Time of halves -- 45 minutes.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club