In addition to the final soccer game, the Bethlehem Steel Company will stage the opening game of the Penn-Jersey Baseball league between Bethlehem Steel and Washington. This game will start promptly at 2:15 p.m.
Tomorrow afternoon at 3 o’clock the local team will lineup against Disston A. A. at Tacony, Philadelphia in a play-off for the League championship. The following players are requested to report at the Union Depot at 10:30: Duncan, Fletcher, Ferguson, Murray, Campbell, Morrison, McKelvey, Pepper, Butler, Brown, Fleming and Graham.
Duncan the Bethlehem goalkeeper will arrive in town this afternoon from Portland, Maine, to assist Bethlehem against Disston tomorrow afternoon.
The United States Football association will hold its annual banquet in the Hotel Walton, Philadelphia, Monday, May 29. The Bethlehem Steel company team and officials will attend in a body to see the handsome Dewar trophy and gold medals emblematic of the championship of United States.