Although scored upon in both contests, reports are to the effect that the Bethlehem team had a slight edge on their opponents at all times. When it is considered that the local team had already disbanded for the season when the exhibition games were arranged and that the training period was very shot, the showing made against the clever Canadians is regarded as remarkable.
On Saturday a Toronto, Manager Sheridan's protégés defeated the All-Stars of Toronto, 2 goals to 1, in one of the best games ever played in that city. Both teams showed excellent team work, which was greatly appreciated by the spectators. Toronto tired hard to win and was represented by the best team they could possibility put on the field. The Steel Workers, however, played with the same determination that enabled them to win the greatest soccer honors in America. Both defense and forwards showed great form. The goals were scored by Fleming and Forrest.
Following the hard game at Toronto the team journeyed to Niagara Falls and defeated the Niagara Falls was heavy and as a result the spectators were robbed of much of the spectacular play that usually characters the champions' work. This was Bethlehem's first appearance in that city and the soccer fans saw the champions in action for the first time. They were tendered a wonderful ovation. The gals scored by Bethlehem were made by Ratican and McKelvey.