The Globe -- Bethlehem
Tuesday, May 28, 1918
Soccer Notes

Bethlehem Steel soccer team won the American Cup with only 14 players and the National Cup with 13. This is a record of which any club might well be proud.

The Steel Workers have scored so far 106 goals for and 21 against. These figures would indicate the best offense and defense of any team in the country as no other club has a record anywhere near this.

The Steel Workers will play the last game of the season here on Saturday, June 15, with Paterson F. C. Paterson now leads the National League but a victory for Bethlehem will tie the teams and make a replay on neutral grounds necessary.

Saturday's victory against the Babs in the final of the American Cup makes the Steel Workers holders of that trophy three times straight and four times in the five attempts. This competition has been in existence since 1884 and no other club can come near this record.

The Blue and White has been victorious in the National Cup three years in the last four and finalist the year they lost it. This is another record that will take a lot of beating.

Jimmy Campbell's goal in the American Cup final on Saturday is the first that he has ever scored for Bethlehem Steel. Campbell says that he was waiting until the goal was really necessary.

No player on the Bethlehem team deserves special mention over any other man on the team. All the players showed the strain of the sustained efforts to keep on edge during the last six weeks, but at that they had sufficient reserve to win and great credit is due them.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club