The Globe -- South Bethlehem
Thursday, May 29, 1919
A Swing Along Athletic Row
By Fred Nonnemacher
Champions Sure to Go to Sweden
According to reports emanating from New York City, Thomas W. Cahill, secretary of the United States Football Association, has completed all arrangement for the international matches and will sail with the Bethlehem Steel champions from New York to Gothenburg, Sweden, on July 19. Twenty-two players will make up the party that will tour Sweden, Norway and Denmark under the auspices of the Swedish Football Association, which extended an invitation to the American champion some months ago. The players will go in charge of Mr. Cahill and "Billy" Sheridan, the later matter of the Bethlehem team. Whether all of the 22 players to go on the trip are to be exclusively members of the Bethlehem squad is not mentioned but some time ago it was announced that in addition to Bethlehem's regular team, soccer stars from several other teams would be taken along. The number of players suggested would indicate that this will be the case. The first international soccer team representing the United States went to Sweden and Norway in 1916. Only 16 players made up the team on that occasion, but they won three of the six games played and lost one. The other two resulted in tie scores, but the visitors later on had the satisfaction of defeating the Swedish team which had outplayed them when they met the second time. Soccer critics look upon the Steel Workers as the greatest aggregation of soccer experts ever gathered together in this country and base their contention on the theory that due to the many teams that were in the field last season, the competition was extremely strong. In view of this the tour should prove a successful one. The team will sail on the steamer Stockholm, of the Swedish-American Line, and after their arrival abroad will go into training for several days at quarters in the Hindas Mountains. While the full schedule of games to be players has not been completed by the Swedish Association, the opening contest will take place at the Olympic Stadium, Stockholm. It is expected that the American players will remain in Scandinavia until late in September.
Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club