The Globe -- South Bethlehem
May 31, 1919
A Swing Along Athletic Row
By Fred Nonnemacher
Steel Workers Play With Scotland Team
Five Bethlehem players appeared in the lineup of the teams representing England and Scotland in the final of the annual international soccer series arranged by the New York Protective Association. The game was played at Leon Oval, New York, and resulted in a tie at one goal each. The announcement of the Bethlehem stars as certain starters had a decided effect on gate receipts, 2,500 fans paying the double admission and were rewarded by seeing a rounding game. Four of the local players represented Scotland, while Fletcher, appearing at right fullback, played with the English team. The Bethlehem players and positions played with the Scotland team were: Campbell, center halfback; McKelvey, outside right; Millar, inside left, and Fleming, outside left. The Bethlehem players were very much in prominence, the Scots' score resulting when McKelvey forced a corner off Fletcher and Tommy Stark kicked the goal. The sensational dribbling and passing of Bob Millar also featured the contest.
Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club