The Globe -- South Bethlehem
Monday, June 2, 1919
A Swing Along Athletic Row
By Fred Nonnemacher
"Billy" Sheridan Accepts Brazilian Challenge
"Yes, sir; we play the Brazilian champions in Brazil if they agree to the terms extended," was the reply of "Billy Sheridan, manager of the Steel Workers, champion soccer team of the united States, when quizzed on the possibility of the champions making the trip after the proposed tour to Sweden. The only hitch in the challenge that would make it impossible to accept is that the champions are asked to come to Brazil for games some time during August and this would be impossible since all arrangement are made for the Scandinavian tour which will keep the team busy during the month. However, the games could be played in September and if this is satisfactory to the challengers the boys are in for another t rip. The Cablegram issuing the challenge from American Ambassador Morgan at Rio Janeiro had hardly been received before the local officials went into conference and viewed the trip favorably, immediately replying with a cablegram to the effect that the challenge would be accepted pending several terms necessary to make it possible. One of the terms is that the Games be played soon after the exhibition games in Sweden and that the Steel Workers leave from Scandinavia for Brazil instead of returning to New York.

Widespread Fame of Steel Workers Apparent
When challenges are received from different parts of the world for international soccer clashes with the United States champions it fully indicates the widespread fame established by the team. The fact that the Bethlehem team has won the national honors for the past four years and that the last season has been the "greatest ever" since the club was established, has placed the team in great demand. Locally the activities of the soccer exponents have not nearly been fully appreciated and this was strongly attested to at most of the games played here this season when a mere handful of fans attended the games, compared with the attendance in other cities where the champions were carded. It is safe to say that little encouragement was received by the team in the way of local enthusiasts but despite the attitude of the home town sporting public to the sport, the officials of the team were in back of the aggregation to a man and inspired with this support climbed to the very top rung in the ladder of soccerdom. Never before has a team practically played all year 'round which if everything pans out O. K. will be the program for this year. Several years ago when an American team invaded Sweden for a series of exhibition games it was believed that the climax of the international campaigning had been reached. Closing the season, Bethlehem journeyed to Canada for a series of three games, where before the largest crowds that ever attended a soccer contest, they kept t heir slate clean by winning all three contests. The team is now at home and practices daily in preparation for the tour to Sweden. These contests will carry the club along until the latter part of August when it is almost a certainty the invasion will be made into Brazil. Upon their return, Manager Sheridan and his protégés will immediately set out in hopes of again annexing the national honors.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club