The Globe – Bethlehem
June 7, 1920
Robins, Thorn in Side of Local Team, Defeated in Brooklyn Yesterday

Bethlehem Steel yesterday accomplished a feat that they have been very anxious to perform all season, that of defeating the Robins Dry Dock team on their own field in Brooklyn. The contest was a National League game in which the Steel Workers were victorious by the score of 3 goals to 0. This decisive victory finally decides the league status and makes Bethlehem the undisputed winner of the pennant.

The game was fast and well played by both teams but the Steel Workers easily demonstrated that they were the masters of the Brooklynites and only over-anxiety prevented the score from being much grater. The only feature to mare the game from the spectators’ point of view was the rough work of Robertson and the deliberate assault on the referee by Brownlie and Renzulli, the latter incident occurring when Bethlehem scored the second goal. The Robins’ player questioned the goal made by Murphy, claiming the flashy little wingman was offside. Brownlie tripped the referee as he was walking up the filed and Renzulli struck him as he rose from the ground. The game was delayed for several minutes until the referee recovered. This action was a serious offense and both players will probably draw a year’s suspension.

Close to two thousand fans turned out to see the contest and strange as it may seem the majority of the rooters appeared to be in favor of Bethlehem. Despite the heavy rain of the day before, the field was in exceptionally good condition, being dry and fast. Harold Brittan, the new player in the Bethlehem line, gave a very capable impression and his clever play was directly responsible for the first goal scored by Bethlehem. He will be a valuable acquisition to the Steel Workers’ lineup next season. All the Bethlehem players played with the same dash and determination that characterized their play when they met the Robins at Bethlehem, but Campbell at center half, was the outstanding player of the entire field. His defensive work was of high order and a great inspiration to his teammates. His heading and blocking the ball with rare judgment. Duncan, Wilson and Ferguson were also brilliant on defense. For the Robins, Ratican was aggressive and dangerous but he was barely supported by all the forwards with the exception of Garside. Brownlie was a power on the defense, despite the fact that he was continually harassed by Murphy.

Bethlehem won the toss and in the first minute Duncan was called upon to save from Ratican.

After twenty minutes’ play, during which both goals were witnessed frequently, due to the shortness of the field, Brittan got possession and with a clever movement passed to Fleming. The latter shot directly to Renzulli but the latter was unable to hold the shot due to its terrific speed and McKenna rushing in met the ball as it dropped from his hands and crashed into the net for the first goal.

IN the second half the Robins attacked as if determined to at least tie the score and the Bethlehem defense had a hard time. It was during this attack that the value of Campbell as a defender was plainly seen. Wilson and Ferguson had a strenuous time coping with the vigorous attack of the Robins front line and Campbell was usually found behind the defender who was hardest pressed. He was ably assisted by Murray and Morrison and the dash of the Robins soon wore itself out against the brilliant all-around defense. After thirty minutes play an incident occurred that proved the value of following the ball at all times. Robertson tried to hold off Brittan to allow the ball to go over the line but Bethlehem’s new player outgeneraled him and crossed the ball directly in front of goal, Murphy rushing in with a shot that made the score two to nothing. The score:

Bethlehem – Robins
Duncan – G -- Renzulli
Wilson – RB – Robertson
Ferguson – LB -- Brownlie
Murray -- RHB -- Peat
Campbell – CHB – Clarke
Morrison – LHB -- Lance
Murphy -- OR -- Garside
Pepper – IR -- Beardsworth
McKenna _-- CF -- Ratican
Fleming – OL -- Millar
Referee – W. Gray. Linesmen, Collier, Bethlehem; and Lonie, Robins. Goals – McKenna, Murphy. Time of halves --- 45 minutes.Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club