The Globe -- Bethlehem
Friday, June 24, 1921

What promises to be one of the greatest soccer games ever seen in the United States will take place on Wednesday, July 13th when the Scottish All-Stars visit Bethlehem for a game with the Steel Workers, four times champions of the country.

It is well known that the visitors are anxious to add the Bethlehem clan to their big list of victories because the local team is regarded as the last word in American football. However, the visitors will probably have a harder time of it than they expect as every man on the Bethlehem list has been looking forward to the game with great interest, and they are training hard and will be in good condition when the referee sets the game in motion.

The Steel Workers made a great reputation in Europe when they visited the Scandinavian countries in the summer of 1919 and went won seven, tied four and lost two games out of thirteen played, against the best that Sweden and Denmark could produce, but they are well aware of the fact that the first League football in Scotland is far superior to the Scandinavian brand so that a victory over the invaders will give them a boost in the soccer world greater than any they have ever had, not even excepting the winning of the National Cup.

The lineup of the Steel Workers will not be determined until shortly before the game but the local management can be relied upon to put the strongest possible team on the field.


Eight International stars will be seen in the visitors lineup. An International player is one who has been selected to play for his country against the select of another country and several of the visitors have over twenty international games to their credit.

Wilson the visitors center forward is regarded as the best in the world and is to British football what Babe Ruth is to baseball.

McMenemy at inside right is the cleverest manipulator of a ball that British football has produced in twenty years and he is still going strong despite the fact that he has played in first class football for 19 years.

The Steel Workers are training hard for the big game with the All-Stars and they will be in first class shape when the time to start the game is at hand.

The long run of successes that characterized the work of the Steel Workers in the past seven years has given them a reputation that is known all over the soccer world and the visiting All Stars have expressed a determination to lower the Bethlehem colors on their own field. Bethlehem's victories in Canada and Sweden and Denmark have made them marked for special attention. The invaders will field their strongest lineup against them and they are confident that they will win by a comfortable margin. However, the local team will fight them every minute of the game and it is just possible that the Scots may get the surprise of their lives.

The cleverness shown by the Scots in Canada has made a great impression on the Canucks and the chagrin at the defeats administered to their favorites has been forgotten in their admiration for the wonderful play that they have been privileged to witness.

Several of the Bethlehem players have played against some of the visitors and while not predicting any victory they seem to be unanimous in the opinion that there are 90 minutes of hard work ahead of the invading Scots.

IF Bethlehem can put a center half back on the field that can hold the great Wilson there will be little danger of the visitors creating any records in the scoring line because Wilson is the real ace of the team, at least in the shooting line.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club