Have Heard Nothing of Delay
A report emanating from Montreal relative to the proposed tour of the Third Lanarks, crack Scottish soccer team, to the United States, relative to the games in this country being delayed, is given little credence by local promoters who have arranged to have the Scots appear here against Bethlehem on July 13. From one of the local parties concerned, it was learned this morning that no word to that effect has been received here and that plans were being completed for the big clash on the original date set. "Surely, if there was any doubt relative tot he uncertainty of the date, we would be among the first to be apprised of it," remarked this party. The delay in the proposed tour, according to the press dispatch, it is said, might be caused by the American government regulations which cannot be complied with in time. These regulations provide that detailed descriptions of every member of the party must be forwarded to Washington for the official stamp of approval before the party can enter the Untied States. George Healy, of Detroit, president of the U. S. F. A., is among the many other prominent American soccer magnates interested in the tour who is certain that the government regulations can be complied with before July 7, the date of the beginning of the trip.