Bethlehem Globe
Friday, July 2, 1920
A Swing Along Athletic Row

Industrial Soccer for National Title
Dissatisfaction was general in the National Soccer League last season and it would be little surprise if many of the clubs, including Bethlehem, failed to compete in that circuit next season. An Industrial League threatens to take the place of the National League and already has been effected. Sanction to operate such a series was granted the American Industrial Athletic Association at a recent meeting of the United States Football Association held in St. Louis. A survey of the soccer activities during the last season shows that about thirty strong industrial teams were on the field but no effort was made to match them in national competition. The caliber of these teams compared well with not only the best soccer organizations in the country, but American Industrial teams invaded Canada and defeated the best clubs there. The A. I. A. A. cup series this year will bet he first of its kind ever attempted and will no doubt meet with the general approval of all those fostering the sport. The matches it is proposed to play in an elimination series in which all teams competing must e members of the organization and registered with the State Association affiliated with the N. S. A. F. M. A. A beautiful trophy has been selected by the Industrial directors to be awarded to the team winning the national title.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club