The Globe -- Bethlehem
Tuesday, June 10, 1919
A Swing Along Athletic Row

Touring "Bug" Infests Soccer Players
With all arrangements closed for the tour of the Bethlehem Steel soccer champions to Sweden and Brazil, along comes the announcement that the Merchant A team, of Harrison, is to remain intact practically all through the off season and will also tour. However, the Merchants' traveling will be limited to the Middle West, games with St. Louis pending, after which arrangements will most likely be made to visit grounds previously invaded successfully by Bethlehem, in closing for games with the leading Canadian clubs.

Merchants Looking Forward to Coming Season
In addition to arranging for the tour, the Merchants' management is looking forward to the coming season and incidentally promise to be leading contenders in depriving Bethlehem of the championship honors. The management announced that the Merchants will be represented by only one team and that several of the Paterson players will be signed. They are gloating over the fact that in mid-season last year, they were successful in persuading Billy Kirkpatrick, the former Bethlehem star, to join their clan. If rumors are true that Harry Ratican, Bob Millar and several of the star Bethlehem players have decided to cast their lot with other organizations the coming season, the Merchant team may prove to be the chief contender for the laurels.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club