The Globe -- Bethlehem
Thursday, July 14, 1921
A Swing Along Athletic Row

Had a Cousin, But Didn't Know It
Jimmy Easton, one of the members of the Bethlehem F. C. apparently is not very well booked up on his relationship for it took one of the Scottish players to inform Jimmy that he was a cousin. It was while the players of both teams were exchanging greetings and lounging around the lobby of the Sun Inn, the visitors' headquarters, that the name of Easton was casually mentioned. Craig Brown, who was sitting nearby, detected the name and immediately was on his feet, inquiring if there was any Eastons on the Bethlehem squad. Jimmy also was within hearing range and came forward to declare himself. "Don't you know me?" chirped Brown after they had shaken hands and during the momentary delay before responding, Jimmy racked his brain in vain to recall whether or not he had ever before met or heard of Brown. "Can't say that I do," replied Jimmy, and then Brown went over a list of relatives in Scotland, winding up with Jimmy's brother, Tom, whom, of course, the Bethlehem player recalled. The tourist then burst forth with "Why, I'm your cousin!" There was a most cordial greeting and during the stay of the tourists Easton and Brown who had many things in common to discuss, were constantly together.

A Word for the Youngsters
An incident that attracted attention of the tourists was the well organized cheering of the "Sand Lot Brigade" herded together in one section of the stands. Also, from a remark dropped by Brownlie, the star custodian of the citadel, this continual howling by the kids was working on his nerves and apparently was something new in his experience. It was at the banquet tendered the players last night that reference was made to the youngsters by J. H. Connell , sports editor of the Glasgow Evening News, who is managing the tour. He prefaced his remarks with, "If you can teach the boys to play football as well as those youngsters can yell, the sport will be a success." He predicted a great future for soccer in America and stated that once it attained a grip on the Americans as it has on Europeans, it will be recognized as the national sport. In commenting on the outcome of the game, he intimated that he expected the tourists to have little trouble but in no manner reflected on the showing of the Bethlehem players. Among the many other reasons for the success of the team, he attributed victory to the fact that the Scotchmen have played continually for 11 1/2 months and were not only acclimated to the conditions but furthermore were well conditioned for the strenuous 90 minutes' pace, a condition probably the Bethlehem players did not enjoy due to having discontinued activity at the close of their regular playing season.

Not a Mere Corporal's Guard
It as gratifying to those who promoted the project that it was not a mere corporal's guard that turned out to witness the international clash, despite the fact that it was the smallest attendance at any of the games since the Scotchmen invaded Canadian and American shores. Furthermore, it was not a disinterested gathering, but rather a highly enthusiastic mob who wildly cheered the brilliant work of the players of both teams and appeared heart and soul in the game. Even those whose knowledge of the sport is probably limited to knowing only that when the ball crashing into the net it is a score, displayed an intense interest, all of which savors of success for the fall and winter campaigning. The attendance, it is figured, was slightly over three thousand.

Another Crack at Tourists
While the Bethlehem team will not go to the post intact, the majority of the players, however, will get another crack at the Scottish tourists on Saturday afternoon when they appear in the lineup of the Philadelphia team on the Tacony Field. The nucleus of yesterday's outfit will be reinforced by the selection of several Quaker City stars. Just what local players will be included in that lineup has not been announced but it is almost certain that one of the changes will be in goal.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club