The Globe -- Bethlehem
Tuesday, June 17, 1919
A Swing Along Athletic Row

Paddy Butler a Merchant Star
Paddy Butler, the former steel worker, who deserted the ranks of the championship soccer aggregation to join the Merchant Shipbuilders' team, is conceded one of the shining lights of the squad that will start after the honors next season. There is no doubt that Paddy is an all-around, well-seasoned player and his addition to any team should add a mountain of strength. Connie Lynch, the former Disston player, just back from the service, has also been signed. Lynch was one of the stars in that memorial game when the Disstons defeated Bethlehem two years ago. He was the best forward on the field that day, besides having the honor of scoring one of the three goals. Another former Bethlehem player is Billy Kirkpatrick, who left the local team in mid-season and for that reason was barred in all the cup competitions. The Merchants apparently are out in hopes of winning the honors next season and are sparing no time or effort in signing up the cream of the soccer field.

More Bethlehem Players May Leave
If rumors materialize the team to take the field next season to represent Bethlehem Steel will be little more than a remnant of the championship aggregation that for two years won the greatest soccer honors that ever befell any club. Before the Scandinavian and Brazilian tour was arranged, it was rumored that three or four of the celebrities had fully decided to cast their lot elsewhere but it is hoped that the constant contact of the players on these tours will evoke a more cordial feeling of comradeship and when the contracts are again submitted they will attach their signature. It was shortly after Butler left that it became known that several other players contemplated a similar move, including among them being Harry Ratican, conceded by critics to be the best center forward in this country, and Bob Millar, whose sensational passing and dribbling have been some of the features of all Bethlehem games. Then there was Sydney Brown, the Canadian secured to fill the gap made vacant by Kirkpatrick, who it is understood will, or has already, returned to Canada and will be seen in the game there next year. The loss of these three players, together with Butler and Kirkpatrick, is certain to inflict deep inroads on the playing caliber of the local team. Especially so, if all should elect to jump to the same club. Then Bethlehem would have a most worthy rival.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club