The Globe -- Bethlehem
Friday, July 20, 1917
Held at Sun Inn, East Side, and Proves a Very Enjoyable Affair

Last night at the Sun Inn, the Bethlehem Steel soccer team held its annual banquet, and a thoroughly enjoyable evening was spent. A sumptuous repast was provided by the Sun Inn management, after which Toastmaster Harry Carpenter called on H. E. Lewis for a speech. Mr. Lewis replied by reviewing the season just closed and complimented the team on their great showing and especially on the gentlemanly way they took their one and only defeat of the year, the national cup final. He also paid a sincere tribute tot he memory of the late Harry Trend, and all present who knew the deceased intimately realized more than ever the sterling quality of the friend who had passed from their midst.

Toastmaster Carpenter then called for speeches from all present and some latent oratorical talent came to light. The efforts of Bobby Morrison and "Ordie" McKelvey were especially commendable.

Those present were: H. E. Lewis, Harry Carpenter, L. W. Lewis, B. Horsfall, J. Machen, W. Duncan, J. Ferguson, G. McKelvey, W. Forrest, P. Butler, H. Ratican, T. Fleming, F. Pepper, M. Chadwick, J. Easton, J. Campbell, J. Wilson, R. Morrison, T. Murray, S. Fletcher, W. Kirkpatrick, and W. Sheridan.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club