On Wednesday morning the seventeen or more soccer players to represent the Bethlehem Steel Co. will bid goodbye to American shores, en route on the first leg of their playing tour in Scandinavia, following which the team may go to Brazil for a six-game series with the champions of South America. The team will leave America as champions of the united States and victors over every Canadian club that has presented itself to date. During their frolic on foreign soil the soccer players find among those to make trip enough candidates to comprise the makeup of a fairly good baseball team and will squeeze in several games of the national pastime with their hosts. The American nine is scheduled to play baseball games with Swedish teams in Vasteras, Gothenburg and in the Stockholm stadium. The visit will be graced by the presence of King Gustave V, who will attend the first soccer game and also the first baseball game in the Olympic stadium. The makeup of the team that will depart for Gothenburg aboard the Swedish-American liner Stockholm are, according to the announcement made by Secy. Cahill:
Goal keepers -- George J. Tintle, Harrison, N. J., and William Duncan, Bethlehem.
Fullbacks -- James M. Robertson, New York; Samuel S. Fletcher, John McD. Ferguson and James Wilson, all of Bethlehem.
Halfbacks -- Albert Blakely, Philadelphia; Frederick W. Pepper, James Campbell and Thomas E. Murray, all of Bethlehem, and John J. Heminsley, Newark, N. J.
Forwards -- David R. Brown, Kearny, N. J.; Harry Jay Ratican, Bethlehem, former star of the St. Louis professional league; William Forrest, Geo. McKelvey and Thomas Cochran Turner Fleming, Bethlehem; Archie Stark, Paterson, N. J.
The team is under the direction of Thomas W. Cahill. William Sheridan, manager of athletics for the Bethlehem Steel Company, will accompany the team as trainer. He will have an expert masseur in Sune A. Stearn. Ernest J. Viberg of New York City will serve as interpreter, traffic manager and correspondent. The first game will be played in the Stockholm Olympic Stadium on Aug. 10. Five games will be played in the Swedish capital. Other games in Sweden will be at Malmo and Gothenburg. The All-Finland team will be played at Helsingfors and Denmark's national eleven at Copenhagen. The games in Norway probably will be played at Bergen and Christiana.
Upon completion of the schedule in Scandinavia the team is expected to go to Brazil to play six games under the auspices of the Brazilian Federation of Sports. One of the principal opponents in South America will be the Flumenese Football Club of Rio de Janeiro, which has beaten a number of the crack Scotch and English teams and recently won the championship of South America in a series in which Argentina, Uruguay and Chile entered strong teams.
According to an announcement made several days ago, Harry Ratican, a home developed product of soccer who received his initial training in the game in St. Louis, is to be honored with the captaincy of the crowd of players who are to make the foreign tour. Ratican has been one of the star players on the Bethlehem eleven and is rated by soccer critics as the best center forward in the country. His selection as captain is well merited and no doubt meets with the approval of his teammates. It is hoped that during the trip the influences of being in personal contact with the players throughout the trip will induce him to change his plans in seeking quarters other than Bethlehem in plying his soccer ability next season.