Soccer Players Left This Morning
It was a happy gathering of soccer players that assembled at the Central station, bag and baggage, this morning and boarded the 10:45 o'clock train for New York, from where they will sail for foreign shores. This crowd of happy athletes comprised the makeup of the Bethlehem Steel champion soccer team who are going abroad to combat for international honors. The suspense of the weeks of waiting until the trip was assured was plainly evident on the features of the players and just before boarding the train one of the optimistic soccerites remarked: "I am not going to tear loose until that old boat sets sail and then I know nothing can happen to cancel the trip." That was practically the feeling among all of them until the banquet last night when the words of encouragement and praise bestowed upon them practically assured the club that it would take something very important before the trip would be called off. Then, too, a look at the passport evoked a different aspect. "They are not going to a good time going over," said Manager Sheridan, who has charge of the training. "But after we leave South America, homeward bound, it will be different; the serious work will be over by that time."
"Have I mapped out a plan of training for the 10 days we will probably be on the boat?" he ejaculated to an inquiry. "I guess I have, and, believe me, they will all be working hard. You know there has been little playing since our last invasion into Canada and it is only natural that the players are somewhat out of condition. The boat is big enough to carry on training en route and there are sure to be some strenuous sessions of rope jumping, bouncing around the medicine ball, lengthy sprints and many other forms of training. Cables on the result of each game will be received in Bethlehem and although it will arrive somewhat late, you can bank on me to send The Globe the correct and full account of each game. Well, I guess we're off and here's hoping we can bring some more honors along back to Bethlehem." With that Billy hopped on the train and was started on a journey that will bring them back just about in time to start a strenuous fall campaign here.
Jimmy Easton to be Included
There was joy among the players when it was whispered about that Jimmy Easton, one of the most faithful members of the team, who had been excluded, was to be with his teammates within probably a week after they land. In addition to this, it is also whispered that probably Bobby Morrison would be among them at the same time. No official announcement was made but it was learned from an authoritative source that Jimmy was told to go home and make arrangements to set sail on the next boat which will arrive overseas in time for him to take part in most of the games if his services are needed. When Easton left the hall his features, which during the banquet were clouded with disappointment at not being included, were beaming with smiles, and while everyone was happy when they left, it is safe to say that Jimmy was the happiest. The contract for the games called for so many men, and for this reason, it was explained that Easton, whose playing on the Bethlehem team has always been appreciated, was omitted. During the banquet one of the men fostering the sport spirited Easton and Morrison to a quite corner and from there, after a brief confab, both players emerged smiling and joining in the celebration with a heartier enthusiasm. It was then learned that these two men will probably sail as soon as their passports are secured. The teammates of both and followers of the game will be glad to hear that they are to be included on the trip.
Will Travel in Style
The Bethlehem Steel football club, soccer champions of the United States, which will tour Scandinavia in August and September, will travel in style in more than one respect. Steamer and equipment trunks of the tourists, who will be 21 in number, will be labeled with a unique poster in five colors, lettered at the top "Scandinavia Tour." On one side of the space reserved for the name of the owner of the baggage appears a likeness of a Bethlehem player, correctly attired in the Steelmakers' light blue and white, interlaid with the national colors of Sweden, Norway, Denmark and the United States. Beneath, in inline lettering, appears the Bethlehem club record: "Bethlehem Steel Co. Soccer Football Club: Champions, United States; 1914-15, 1915-16; 1915-16; 1917-18; 1918-19."