Third Trip Across for Cahill
Thomas W. Cahill, honorary secretary of the United States Football Association, who is piloting the Bethlehem Steel soccer team, champions of the United States and Canada, across the pond for a series of international games, will chalk down the tour as his third invasion into Scandinavia in the interest of American soccer football. He was a delegate to the 1912 Olympic games at Stockholm although no soccer team was entered from the United States. He too the first international American eleven on a tour of Sweden and Norway in 1916, winning three, tying two and losing a single game, defeating in a return match the Swedish national team which handed the tourists their only beating.
What Victory Means for Bethlehem Club
From the results of the impending matches between the American soccer champions and the most powerful elevens in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland and Brazil can muster will be seen what prospects the United States will have in soccer competitions in the next Olympic games. All of the Federation teams will be met by the American tourists. The Scandinavian teams have met England, whose teams triumphed in the last Olympic games, and the Danes have defeated England's crack elevens on several occasions. Other Scandinavian teams in the Federation matches have made splendid showings against teams from Great Britain and some interesting comparisons will be possible when the titled Bethlehem Steel team has completed its schedule. Brazil's representative team has scored victories over English teams that have ventured into South America for football competition, and Bethlehem's tentative six-game schedule in that country will give a further line on the United States' chances in the contests at Brussels in 1920. It is believed in Brazil the Bethlehem team will suffer the most severe handicaps. In the first place, their stay will hardly be long enough to become acclimated, one of the reasons assigned for the victories of the South American teams over English elevens, and the other that the tour will bring the club into South America during the hottest season of the year. The American tourists sailed this afternoon on the steamship Stockholm.