Thomas E. Murray, one of the most popular players on the Bethlehem Steel Company's famous soccer team, was married on Wednesday afternoon to Miss Jessie T. Kerr, daughter of Mrs. Jean Kerr, of 907 Center Street, North Bethlehem, the ceremony being performed at the Kerr home by Rev. James Robinson, pastor of the Presbyterian Church, East Side, a close friend to the soccer boys. Mrs. Kerr and daughter recently came to America from Ayrshire, Scotland.
Mrs. Jennie Moore of Quincy, Mass., an aunt of the bride, was bridesmaid and Robert Young of Bethlehem was best man. The wedding music on the piano was played by Miss Bella Fleming, also an aunt of the bride. Following the ceremony a wedding dinner was served at the home of the bride's mother, the couple then leaving for a brief trip to Atlantic City.
Both young people have hosts of friends in the Bethlehems. Mr. Murray is employed in No. 4 machine shop at the Steel plant, and is a star player at right halfback on the champion soccer team. He was chosen a year ago to play the same position on the American soccer team that went to Norway and Sweden to demonstrate this country's efficiency in the game. Mr. Murray put up a great game abroad.
His fellow players and others will tender the newly married pair a reception on Friday evening at the home of the bride's mother, where they will make their home. "Tommy," as he is familiarly known, will be presented with a handsome clock by his teammates on Friday night.