Bethlehem Globe
Tuesday, June 29, 1920
Soccer Eleven Signs Up Six Players Who May Go to South America.

by Fred. Nonnemacher
Complete details relative to the tour of the Bethlehem Steel soccer team to Brazil will most likely be forthcoming upon the return of Manager Sheridan, who left this morning for New York City, where he will confer with Thomas Cahill, secretary of the United States Football Association. Gathered from the conversation handed out by Sheridan before his departure the more important details have already been attended to and it is merely to check up on the data that he is paying a visit to Gotham.

It was also learned that when the Bethlehem Steel takes the field for next year's campaigning, local fans will hardly recognize the team as the same that two years ago won the national honors and this year annexed the National League trophy. It is understood that the local management has not been idle during the off season and has signed up close to half a dozen new players, many of whom are expected to arrive in time to be included in the South American tour.

A story is told about one oft he players, who was held at Ellis Island, the port of embarkation for almost a month because his replies to the immigration officers were not quite satisfactory. However, a number of his friends came to his rescue and after making proper representation he was released. The player in question in Frank Powell, a center forward, who, it is understood, is classed with the best in Europe. He was one of the mainstays of the Portsmouth team in England.

Other players who, it is said, have signified their intention of joining the Bethlehem team and will most likely sign a contract within the next few days are Jimmy Wilson, outside right of the Merchant Shipbuilders, and Satterthwaite, an inside right of the same team. The addition of Wilson would be a most welcome one, due to the fact that his campaigning on the baseball diamond has been as brilliant as that in soccer circles. At present he is on the receiving end of the battery for the New Haven team in the Eastern League. He is not expected to join the local baseball forces in time to play with the Bethlehem club this season.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club