Getting Ready for Brazilian Trip
The Bethlehem Steel athletic field will shortly be the scene of intense activity when the soccer players will report regularly every day with the baseball players in preparation for the tour to Brazil. Since the close of the soccer season the members of the team have had, as their only means of keeping into condition, light work in the gymnasium. At the office of the management it was learned today that shortly a call will be issued for practice and some grueling sessions are in store for the players in order to round them into championship condition. The personnel of the team is not yet complete and will hardly be until shortly before the start of the tour. Practice sessions will be held every day and then as a final, trial matches will be staged. The letter received from one of the representatives of the Steel Co. located at Rio de Janeiro, announcing that the Brazilians are looking forward to the trip of the Steel Workers with keen anticipation has done much to inspire the interest of the local players and they as well as the Brazilians are anxiously awaiting the appointed time to sail.