Bethlehem Globe
Thursday, August 5, 1920
Men Train on Schwab Field for Tour of Brazil Next Month

Today will mark the first session of practice for the Bethlehem Steel soccer players in preparation for the tour to Brazil, which will be started the latter part of this month. Every player has been notified to report on the field for practice, with the understanding that the personnel of the outfit has not yet been selected and will not be until shortly before the time of leaving. The players fortunate in making the trip will be chosen on their showing in the practice tilts.

Manager Sheridan this morning announced that practically all details have been completed for the trip, including receiving the passports, and everything is in readiness for boarding the boat. "It is our plan to get several good practice licks," said Sheridan. "The work will start today with a light workout which will daily become more strenuous. Probably by the end of next week we will stage a practice game in order to select two or three players for positions which are still doubtful. The players for these positions still in doubt will be closely scrutinized during the practice and the final selection made after the contest next week."

Judging from the remarks of the manager, the majority of the players have already been selected, but the names will not be divulged until the entire personnel of the team is announced. It is understood that changes may be made pending the showing in practice.

The players apparently have been expecting just such action for it is understood that for weeks the majority of them have been condition for the tour and that a good many would be capable of entering a regulation contest without any further practice. This was apparent when a six player team participated in the games staged in New York a week ago when they returned home with the honors.

The tourists will leave on Aug. 25, sailing from New York on the Martha Washington of the Madison steamship line. They are expected to arrive at Rio de Janeiro on or about Sept. 10. Arrangements will be made for training on the boat and upon arriving at their destination it is understood seven or eight days will intervene for training before the first game.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club