The Globe -- Bethlehem
Tuesday, August 6, 1918
When the Soccer Whistle Blows

Announcement is made that "Tommy" Fisher, the former Disston center halfback, will play for the New York ship team in the Delaware River Soccer League the coming season. It was also stated that Fisher would captain the team, besides taking a hand in the developing of soccer at the New Jersey plant.

Fisher was a star with the Disston team last season. The club was the most fortunate in games played against Bethlehem holding the champion Steel Workers to a tie in two games. He is a born soccer player, hailing from Greenock, the west of Scotland. For the last three years he sported the Disston colors and during that time did much to help place Disston in the leading ranks.

"When the whistle blows for the opening soccer games of the season, there will be few changes if any in the championship Bethlehem team," says Manager Sheridan. It usually is policy to secure a few additional players each year to press into service in case of emergency, but according to Manager Sheridan all the players who were here last year will again try for a berth.

Other players signed with the New York ship team are Aleck McLaughlin, the former Disston fullback; Johnny Ness, the goal keeper, and William Burrows, who played two years with Disstons and is also a former member of the Hibernians. It is also said that "Tommy" Swords, captain of the Fall River Rovers, finalists of the national cup competition last season, will be approached to play with the New York eleven.

Nothing is left undone to make the industrial league equal in merits to the teams that play in the cup competitions. Present indications are that soccer will be more extensive the coming season than ever before and also that the competition will be much harder.

Pusey & Jones soccer players started out in good form last Saturday by winning the five a side soccer tourney in conjunction with the Scottish games. Their victory last Saturday conclusively proves Pusey & Jones will be a strong factor in the shipyard league the coming season.

A meeting of the Industrials will be held early next month, according to the announcement of Thomas Scott, secretary of the Industrial Soccer League. The circuit will be formed and arrangements made for the coming season.

Disston will not be in the field next season unless a team is placed in the industrial league composed of the leading players at the saw works. The team was in the National League last year and toward the end of the season had trouble in keeping the players in tact, the call to the colors ravaging the lineup.

L Thomas W. Cahill, secretary of the United States Football Association, reports that the game is making vast headway all over the country, which is a good indication that it is taking with the masses.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club