Bethlehem Globe
Wednesday, August 11, 1920
A Swing Along Athletic Row

New Players on Bethlehem Soccer Team
Soccer enthusiasts will no doubt be surprised in noting in the sports columns of a Philadelphia paper, that several new players have joined the Bethlehem Steel soccer team and are among the players from whom will be selected the team to make the first annual visit to Brazil for a series of international games. Why the names of the players were withheld, to be announced from a foreign source, is anything but pleasing to local interests. The Philadelphia Inquirer after announcing the plans of the trip as previously noted in these columns, together with the date of sailing has this to say:

"Although the makeup of the tam has not yet been decided upon, according to Manager Sheridan the following players will make the trip: Goalkeepers, Duncan, Boyle and Easton; backs, Wilson, Ferguson, Bethune, Fletcher and Spalding; half-backs, Murray, Campbell, W. Morrison, R. Morrison and Corrigan; forwards Murphy, J. Wilson, Pepper, Powell, Brittan, Forrest, Sattertwaite and Fleming.

"It will be seen from the above list that there are several names foreign to the Bethlehem lineup, though the majority of the players are well-known to local fans. Among the new players signed are Jimmy Wilson and Joseph Satterwaite, formerly of Merchant F. C; Herbert Powell, of Portsmouth, England; Robert Bethune, formerly of Petershill, Scotland. Negotiations are now pending for the purpose of signing "Dick" Spalding, recognized last year as the peer of the fullbacks in this country.

"Soccer football in Brazil is a national game, several first-class English clubs having played there in the past and have had their colors lowered. With the new players, who should greatly strengthen the team from that of last season, which won the National League championship, the Bethlehem Steel Workers appear to have the foundation for not only the strongest team ever representing the Upstaters, but it should prove the most powerful aggregation ever gotten together in this country, and a team capable of making a representative showing against some of the English teams.

"Now that it is a known factor that Merchants have lost Wilson and Sattertwaite, and also probably "Dick" Spalding, the Harriman Shipbuilders will be in a bad way f or players, provi9ding they decide to reorganize for the coming season. Sattertwaite and Spalding, both of whom played regularly for Merchants last season in the National League and also the National and American Cup competitions, are just about in a class by themselves in their respective positions. Sattertwaite, who played for Grimsby, England, prior to coming to this country some two years ago, is one of the most experienced forwards in the country and is without an equal in America at his regular position, inside right."

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club