The Globe-Times -- Bethlehem
Thursday, August 15, 1929
A Swing Along Athletic Row

On the Other Side
During the early stages of the big soccer controversy the American Soccer League in its efforts to thwart the activities of the new organization resorted to the courts when injunction proceedings were instituted against several players alleged to have violated the terms of their contract. The outcome of these cases is well known. The injunctions were dismissed and thereby all other legal threats were squashed. Now it happens that the Eastern Soccer League is on the other side of the fence with the Hakoah All-Stars instituting injunction proceedings against Josef Eisenhoffer, a former player who is now associated with Nat Agar's newly organized Jewish aggregation playing in Brooklyn. This case will be aired in Kings County court, Brooklyn, and disposition will be a matter of vast interest.

War is Still on
Rumblings heard from the camps of the warring soccer factions seem to indicate that peace is by no means in sight. The Eastern Leaguers accuse the outlaw faction of placing obstacles in the way of securing grounds and have been partly successful insofar as parks are concerned in the Brooklyn territory dominated by Mr. Agar. Negotiations that have been started for the erection of a playing field in that district are said to have been frustrated. In rebuttal to these activities the Eastern League announces that terms have been arranged with a number of players formerly attached to the New England outlaw clubs, their names being withheld meanwhile, until such time as appeals for reinstatement have been heard, and the necessary permission granted. It would seem that the battle has now simmered down to the survival of the fittest and which of the two organizations is better equipped financially to carry on.

And in the Meantime
The home camp of the Eastern Leaguers is seemingly not in the least perturbed over the prospects for the coming season for the players are going through their paces inspired with a confidence that everything will work out all right. The schedule is supposed to be launched on Sept. 1, and the thoughts of the local players are mostly concerned in getting into shape. Soccer fans who might happen to wander in the vicinity of the Bethlehem's home grounds will be greeted with a pleasing sight for most any late afternoon Stark, Gillespie and others can be seen wearing off the surplus avoirdupois picked up during the summer vacation. A league meeting will be held this weekend and if advices from New York are correct there will be reports of a highly gratifying nature.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club